Contents: Welcome to placeofgrace! Updates:
  1. The kitchen
  2. The living room
  3. The library
  4. The music room
  5. The arcade
  6. The mailbox
  7. The computer room
  8. Grace's room
Hello and welcome to my internet home! This is basically just an online journal so feel free to look around, the main page doesn't have much on it because I like to organise the main content into indiviudal links which you can find in the contents section :) I'm hoping to be able to update and add things to my page pretty often, but I'm forgetful so don't count on it. Anyway, I dont have much else to say except that I hope you enjoy looking around. 10/03/25:
  • Updates to the computer room
  • Updates to the library
Cool websites!!! To do:
Decohoard (tumblr) + decohoard (carrd)
Rhythm plus