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Welcome to Grace's room
This is basically just an about me page.
Interests: About me:
Age: 14 Hi! I'm Grace, the owner of this neocities page. I kinda just started it as an online diary for myself - its also really handy whenever I'm bored cuz it keeps me busy for ages lol. I don't have much else to say about it so I guess I can elaborate a bit on the table to the left. I like lots of colours, but the colours I've chosen as my favourites are the ones I like a lot in particular. They're in order of how much I like them too, if that helps. My favourite cake would have to be a chiffon cake with ermine frosting - my favourite cakes come from a bakery in the city, every time I'm in the city I stop in at that bakery. I love all Asian cuisine, and I'm part Lebanese so I guess that's why I love Lebanese food too (apart from the fact that its awesome). As for my favourite places; I don't live in the city (which crushes me) but my room is really nice so it balances out. My favourite animal has been a cat since I was little - I dont really have a favourite breed cuz I love all cats. I love gardenias, they're gorgeous, they smell amazing, and Malice Mizer wrote a song about them hehe. I love sweet smells as long as they're not too intense - otherwise I get a headache really fast. I actually really like school which seems to be an unpopular opinion. And routine is very important to me. I can't stand ignorance, I think its super important to always have an open mind. I also hate time and change, which are kind of synonymous, but its really unsettling for me. As for collecting things, I mainly collect anime figures, stuffed toys, posters, shirts, and basically anything considered merch. I mainly only cosplay at events or celebrations like conventions or halloween. Anyway - if I remember something interesting about myself I'll update this page, but for now I hope you had fun learning about me :p
Enneagram: 5w4
Favourite colours: Pink, green, white, and beige
Favourite food: Cake or chicken katsu curry
Favourite cuisines: Asian or Lebanese
Favourite places: My room, bakeries, school, libraries, the city in general
Favourite animal: Cat
Favourite flower: Gardenia
Favourite scent: Anything sweet but not too intense
Likes: School, the city, routine, friends
Dislikes: Ignorance, storms, change, time
Hobbies: Collecting merchandise, philosophy, cosplay, writing
Star sign: Aries
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